Thursday, 11 March 2010

Troll isms....

"Doodle, bring me your head so I can brush your hair."

"I don't have head, I have hair. Daddy has head."

"What does mommy have?"

"Mommy has hair. Me have hair."

"What does daddy have?"

"Daddy has head."

Ah, the joys of a three year old!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010


Howdee Folks,

Well, it's official, I'm not on the News and Star site anymore. A bit disappointing, really, as they didn't even tell us. Nevermind! I'm here!

So......a new bee has perched on my bonnet...Do tell, you say.....

When driving through Carlisle every single pole/light/sign has little yellow/orange stickers on it. Say, at an intersection there are 4 poles. Each pole has a number. 1, 2, 3, 4 on it. Now, these are high-quality adhesive stickers.

What is my problem with this?

Well, let me tell you.

1. They look like shit.

2. Those are expensive stickers. We are talking thick, super-adhesive almost 2"x 2" stickers. How many did they purchase of the number one? Must have been a million!!! Because that one is going to be used all the time! Same with number twos.....there must be a storage room somewhere full of just number ones and twos!

3. Labour. Someone had to propose this idea in a meeting. It had to be researched and a report made to propose to this meeting. The meeting then had to debate it for a couple of months, then approve. Then it went back to the Idiotic Department for fleshing out. Spreadsheets had to be created to track this, and of course the ten skillion stickers had to be ordered. Did they think about the fact they were going to need a billion number ones and twos first? Or did they have to re-order. Then, they sent out at least two teams of sticker people. Each team would consist of two people. One to clean the surface and put on the stickers and the other to write down: Orton Road/Wigton Road, Sticker 1, North side of street, pedestrian crossing Orton Road. Sticker 2, North side of street, pedestrian crossing, Wigton Road. Sticker 3, North side, signal pole, Orton Road. You know, as a project, I might go document exactly what these things are and post back. Can you imagine how long this took? All over the city! We have a lamppost out in our neighbourhood with a number something like 764......that means there were 763 other sticker locations prior, and god knows how many more to come!

I ask myself, why? Why have they done this? And I think I have figured it out. They've done it so that they have a shorter solution to either of these options:

1. Someone has reported a light out/sign damaged.

2. Someone has to verify they've ticked all the boxes when doing routine checks.

Either way.....what an amazing waste of funds and time!

Surely it's easy for someone to locate a light out? If someone reports a street light out in Morton....are they now required to give the exact pole number? Or can a person not go out...flip the switch and look up? That must have been too difficult.

What about some sort of verification checks? If they weren't checking them correctly prior to the Sticker Implementation Program...then they aren't going to now, either. It's just as easy to tick lots of boxes as it is to tick one.

Someone....anyone, please explain this to me.

Carlisle City Council has binned £6.6 million (Americans, that's like $11,000,000)on a bogus Renaissance project, and I think I have found where it has gone.

Someone tip off the News and Star!

:) misha

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Where'e Your Stick Daddy?

We went to Hammond's Pond last Saturday for a little family time. We had a loaf of bread to feed the birds, ducks and swans, and a little troll ready to do the work.

When we got there it was still really cold, but somehow managed to be even colder than the rest of Carlisle! We walked around and had a nice time. The pond was frozen over in large sections, probably about a quarter of an inch thick.

We fed some birds, as they wouldn't let the swans or ducks eat, and had a nice time, though the size of the swans was scaring the little tyke. We looked at all the birds in the aviary, and had some time on the swings and slides...then headed back to the car.

On the way back Doodle picked up a stick and carried it, and then picked up a second stick and handed it to daddy. 'Here, daddy, here you stick'. So, he dutifully carried it until we arrived at the car, where he sneakily dropped it.

Now, Doodle may be only three, but she's sharp. I was putting the push chair in the trunk when I noticed that Colin was doubled over laughing...and I mean really laughing. I tried to recount in my brain the last twenty seconds that I hadn't been listening really....and tried to figure out what I had heard.

Colin told her to get in the car seat, he was going to strap her in....and then the words, "Where's your stick, daddy?". Now, through the mom-filter brain, this was just fine.....but I translate Doodle to English all day. She has her little speech things that she hasn't ironed out yet. One would be that the sound of 'st' came out sounding like 'd'. In which case, she asked, "Where's your d*ck, daddy?" Which, now that I see my husband doubled up, and a little girl just looking like daddy's lost it....nevermind refusing to look at the family getting into the car next to us for fear of what they think.....I laughed. We both laughed. A lot.

Daddy did say that he had put the stick down, as it was dirty and not going in the which case we grown ups laughed again.

Kids......they can be a really good time!!!

:) misha

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Nazi Scum

Hey Everyone,

Everyday (or 360 out of 365) I drive down Castle Way, which becomes Bridge Street or something and then right before the roundabout at McVitie's there is a big billboard on the left hand side of the road.

Not remarkable, I'm sure.....but last year, when the whole politics thing was kicking off the folks at the BNP (Americans, they are basically a political party akin to the KKK) had a big billboard here. No idea what it said, really, as shortly after it went up, it was covered with paint from having people attack it, and at the bottom of the sign someone had painted on the words: Nazi scum. I didn't mind the vandalism, as I thought it was quite an improvement, frankly.

Then the fine folks who own the billboard rushed on out to repair it (read: about two months later?). They put up a new billboard, and cleaned up the bottom of the sign.

When I drove home from a day of work I saw what was probably a mobile phone advertisement and the words: Clear Channel below it.

And I thought to change then.

I thought of poor, poor man!!!! At least you aren't slaving away for The Man any longer.


Today we had lovely sunshine, cold weather, snow flurries, and a lovely day. Though I did feel the need to wear two pair of socks, long johns, two shirts, pants, and a big wooly coat and scarf.

The jerks back in California are already doing their gardens. I can't hack into mine yet.

Went to Hammond's Pond yesterday to feed the ducks and swans. There was still a 1/2 inch thick layer of ice on the pond...and all the critters were starving. We gave em a half a loaf of bread......and the troll was thrilled to bits!

:) misha

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Chili Hot Chocolate

Hey Everybody!

I had a fabuloso birthday yesterday, and I got this chili hot chocolate mix from Tom & Suze. I had a cup tonight, and it tasted soooo good.

I'd share with you, except I'm not that nice!

I'm trying to decide if I need to start taking this blog thing seriously or not!??

The weather in Jolly 'ol England is a bit of a mixed bag at the moment. Last night it was f'n freezing! This morning we woke up to some serious frost. I've started scanning the base of trees to see if we've got bulb-age. And guess what......we have bulbs!!!! Literally yesterday at this one tree by city centre there were no bulbs coming up. Today, we have little yellow crocus trying to make their way up through the crunchy grass.

Over by the office, in Kingstown Park, there are daffodil bulbs springing up everywhere! They aren't blooming yet of course, but they are there! There will be a sea of daffodils in no time.

The most amazing thing I think I've learned in England in my almost five years here was that feeling of Spring. You don't get that in Los Angeles. You get - yeah, the bulbs are coming up feeling. But not the promise of spring feeling, the feeling that soon it will be sunshine and beauty, the feeling that winter is wrapping up, that blooms are coming, t-shirts and flip-flops, skirts and sunshine. It's a feeling you don't get unless you are subjected to some proper winter-ness. Which we have been this year!

Hey, everyone, welcome to Spring!

:) misha

Sunday, 14 February 2010

This is the doodle in her Viking Dude jumper...thank you Aunt Ness!

It's Here - It's Queer, Get Used to It!

So - Have I arrived on blogspot/blogger?

I need to see if this is a better outlet for my musings....
