Sunday, 21 February 2010

Nazi Scum

Hey Everyone,

Everyday (or 360 out of 365) I drive down Castle Way, which becomes Bridge Street or something and then right before the roundabout at McVitie's there is a big billboard on the left hand side of the road.

Not remarkable, I'm sure.....but last year, when the whole politics thing was kicking off the folks at the BNP (Americans, they are basically a political party akin to the KKK) had a big billboard here. No idea what it said, really, as shortly after it went up, it was covered with paint from having people attack it, and at the bottom of the sign someone had painted on the words: Nazi scum. I didn't mind the vandalism, as I thought it was quite an improvement, frankly.

Then the fine folks who own the billboard rushed on out to repair it (read: about two months later?). They put up a new billboard, and cleaned up the bottom of the sign.

When I drove home from a day of work I saw what was probably a mobile phone advertisement and the words: Clear Channel below it.

And I thought to change then.

I thought of poor, poor man!!!! At least you aren't slaving away for The Man any longer.


Today we had lovely sunshine, cold weather, snow flurries, and a lovely day. Though I did feel the need to wear two pair of socks, long johns, two shirts, pants, and a big wooly coat and scarf.

The jerks back in California are already doing their gardens. I can't hack into mine yet.

Went to Hammond's Pond yesterday to feed the ducks and swans. There was still a 1/2 inch thick layer of ice on the pond...and all the critters were starving. We gave em a half a loaf of bread......and the troll was thrilled to bits!

:) misha

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